Health tips for youngsters to stay fit during Corona

You can either practise some Natural Health Tips or workout at home using some basic equipment like skipping ropes, dumbbells, etc. 

Physically active individuals usually live longer than those who are inactive or  Inactivity is an important risk factor similar to high blood pressure, smoking, or high cholesterol.
Stress and anxiety are rising with the current pandemic, and it can lower your immune system. Exercising releases chemicals in your brain,  which can help improve your mood, reduce the risk of depression.
A good diet should be followed in regular basis. Remember to exercise regularly; even some simple exercises will help you to stay fit for long time. It is recommended to exercise regularly . If you have not started exercising yet, then it is a good time to start. Regular exercise improves metabolism, which has a direct correlation with body immunity. You may involve into house hold activities or exercise on your terrace or indoors during this .
 There are two types of physical activities, which makes you fit. Physical activities like Sports, Cycling, Walking, Play, Dance, Gardening, House cleaning, lifting weights could be classified as different forms of physical activities.
Physical activities are known to improvise the circulation & lung functions, improve the immunity levels to various infections, increase energy levels, helpful in weight management, improvise your self esteem and confidence level and reduce sleep deficiencies. The growing anxiety around the pandemic is another concern that is affecting millions across the world . there are few steps we can follow regularly to help relieve our stress, stress is known to have an adverse effect on immunity system.
 Meditation helps to keep calm and relieve stress.Also Pranayam  helps to  cleanses the nostrils,calms down the mind, relaxes your heart,  improves your concentration.


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